The Immortal Phrases Of Yves Saint Laurent

In the phrases of Yves Saint Laurent we discover a designer who thought beauty from different points of view. Apparently, he concluded that the beautiful is not in the appearance, but in the essence.
The immortal phrases of Yves Saint Laurent

The phrases of Yves Saint Laurent are statements that served as a guide to the world of fashion in the twentieth century. He was the type of designer who showed that this environment, which seems totally frivolous, also has something to say to history and culture. They were the type of people who, right or wrong, preserved their character above the intimidating or distorting power of the most media spots. No one like him to embody that message.

Although it may seem incredible, the life of this Algerian designer was not just a display of  glamor . Forced to go to the army, he suffered a nervous shock and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, where they applied electroshocks and other aggressive “therapies”. Perhaps that is why many of Yves Saint Laurent’s phrases transcend beyond fashion.

Art was very present in his life. Several of its collections were inspired by great painters of the stature of Picasso, Mondrian and Brake. He was the first designer to exhibit in an art space, the Metropolitan Museum in New York. He was also the first to hire black models for his catwalks. These are some of the best known Yves Saint Laurent phrases.

Thoughtful woman looking up

The really important

This is one of Yves Saint Laurent’s phrases that shows how his vision of aesthetics went beyond appearance. Like other great designers in history, he did not believe that it was the clothes that made a woman interesting , but on the contrary.

The most interesting thing about the phrase is to see the relevance it gives to the person. Also his vision of women. In a consumer world , it is striking that a fashion guru declares that the essence prevails over the appearance.

One of Yves Saint Laurent’s phrases about style

The word style is a bit abstract. In fashion it refers to the character that is reflected in a set of garments. It is that personal and peculiar way that the external appearance acquires and that reflects a certain way of being or feeling life.

More than fashion , which is all about trends, outfits communicate a message about the person wearing them. It is that message that remains, regardless of what the person brings with him. The style defines the garments and not the style garments.

The elegance

This is another of Yves Saint Laurent’s phrases that shows his great keenness to appreciate aesthetics. Elegance is another of those imprecise concepts that are key in the world of fashion. It has to do with an abstract reality, but it manifests itself in something very concrete.

In this case, Yves Saint Laurent defines it as an attitude. In keeping with his particular sense of beauty, he points out that elegance emerges when appearance is no longer important. It is represented in the person who transcends and becomes independent from the gaze of others.

Woman with eyes closed

What is fashion for

In this sentence, Yves Saint Laurent tells us a little about the cultural sense that fashion has for women. It is a phenomenon that goes beyond aesthetics, although it understands that factor. The dress has psychological effects on who wears it.

Although it is definitely the person who gives meaning to a garment, a garment also has the power to generate well-being in a person. Although it is something external, which ends when you take off that dress, it motivates changes in the way you see yourself and assume yourself.

Fashion is a subject that is halfway between the trivial and the creative and largely mediates the image we project abroad. It is certainly not a determining factor in life. Rather, it adorns it, gives it color and even in some moments it can be decisive. Still, as Yves Saint Laurent taught us, it is also part of our subjectivity and our way of communicating with the world.

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