The Most Addictive Drugs

The most addictive drugs

Faced with the use of psychoactive substances there is a lot of confusion in the world. The issue goes through political or police management and in these areas, considerations that are not strictly medical prevail. The use of drugs such as marijuana, for example, is persecuted, but not alcohol, which has much more severe effects on the physical and mental plane. Here we tell you what the ten most addictive drugs in the world really are.

1. Nicotine

Nicotine is one of the main components of tobacco, and the most addictive of the drugs on the market. Its use is legal and that is why it can be easily found in any store or supermarket. In the last decades some regulations have been established for its consumption, but the effect has not really been noticeable. Withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking are severe and in the most critical cases they must have medical follow-up.

2. Methamphetamine

It is a synthetic drug derived from amphetamine and is known by names like “meth”, “chalk”, “speed”, “ice” or “crystal”. It is a transparent white powder with a bitter taste and no odor. It is consumed inhaled, smoked or injected. It has a very high addictive power and a potential for severe damage.


3. Crack

Crack is a residue of cocaine and one of the drugs that causes the greatest deterioration in human health. Its consumption creates an immediate sensation of pleasure and compensation, but the effect lasts between 3 and 7 minutes; then it causes a strong depression, which can only be overcome with a new consumption. This vicious cycle makes it one of the substances with the greatest power to generate dependence.

4. Hypnotic sedatives

They are psychiatric drugs, legal and almost always prescribed by a doctor. They have a strong potential to make people who use them addicted. Some of these sedatives have trade names like “Diazepam”, “Valium”, “Senocal”, “Secobarbital”, “Lorazepam” and “Clonidine”. These drugs also have significant side effects on the liver, heart, and brain.

5. Alcohol

Another of the legal drugs, which has a high social consumption and a notorious potential to generate addiction. It has the characteristic that it disinhibits behavior and causes a feeling of euphoria and joy, but later it causes depression. In that ups and downs of the mood lies its addictive potential. This drug generates erratic and violent behavior on many occasions.

6. Heroin

It is a drug that comes out of morphine processing. It has a very high addictive power : practically 100% of the people who try it, end up being dependent on it. The symptoms of withdrawal are quite severe and that is why it is difficult to stop.

heroin addicted man

7. Cocaine

Cocaine addiction occurs in both physical and psychological terms. It produces a feeling of euphoria and self-confidence, which takes about thirty minutes to disappear. The effects of abstention quickly emerge: irritability, depression, and anguish.

8. Caffeine

It is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world. If a person takes more than 300 milligrams a day, stopping coffee can cause great discomfort such as headache, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders.

9. Angel powder or PCP

A synthetic drug that was initially used as an anesthetic. It generates great euphoria in those who consume it and a feeling of being invincible. It also causes vivid hallucinations. Its prolonged consumption can lead to dementia.

10. Ecstasy

ecstasy dealer party

Another of the laboratory drugs that has captured a large number of users. Its addictive power is not one of the highest, but it does generate significant withdrawal symptoms when it is suspended: it increases paranoia, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Did you know some of these drugs with the greatest addictive power? Although some of their consumption is approved by society, it does not mean that they are less “bad”. Therefore, it is important that we become aware of the consequences they have and of those problems that can arise from if we become addicted to them.

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