The Path Of Happiness

The path of happiness

To be happier, the first thing we will do is measure your current level of happiness. Through this happiness test by Hill & Argyle (2002) we can get an idea. Remember that filling out a test by itself does not imply any diagnosis, it can only be issued by a professional, who interprets it and combines it with other types of tests and examinations.

Well. Now is the time to get down to business. I’m going to give you 10 tips and exercises that you should apply in the coming days and weeks. I recommend you print it or write it on paper and keep them handy, or hang them somewhere at home or work where you can see them throughout the day, to keep them in mind. There they go:

1. Do what you like : read, dance, go out with friends, be at home, watch a movie, etc. Remember that happiness is subjective and that not everyone has to like the same things as you. Find your time for yourself, which can always be found, and do not stop doing what you like. Write down a small list of things that you like, no matter how small (eg walking on the beach) and try to do what you can these days.

2. If we assume that not everyone likes the same as you, in order to be happy it is important that we understand and  respect, without offending ourselves, the opinions, ideas, tastes, etc., of third parties. Not for thinking differently, we should get angry. That will not help us achieve happiness. Put it into practice from now on: try not to get angry with opinions different from yours and try to give your point of view using phrases such as “in my opinion”, “I think”, “it may happen that we think differently, but nothing happens “, etc.

3. Live the present, live the present and live the present. The past serves to remember it but above all to learn from it. An excess of the past can lead to depression problems by ‘focusing only on past ideas of guilt, regret, etc.’, while an excess of the future, of anticipating the unknown, can lead to anxiety problems, even both combined. So try to live the present to the fullest. Enjoy it and, above all, learn that only by enjoying the present tomorrow will your present today become part of your past. Enjoy and get the best of yourself. I propose at this point to reflect on those things from the past that you have not yet overcome, on those that you avoid thinking about, think about those things that happened and try to discover what could have been positive.

4. Taking into account the above, we can deduce that happiness is not the goal but the path we travel. Normally we think that we will be happy WHEN we have a new house, a new job, a child, we win the lottery, etc. This way of thinking will not help us to be happy because happiness is not so much WHEN I achieve something, but it is found WHILE I trace the path that leads me to achieve what I like. Not only do I trace it but I enjoy it.

5. A very simple exercise: every day take 5 minutes to think about the ‘good’ things that happened to you today. Think that good things do not have to be great events. Sometimes the little things become big, depending on the value we place on it. See a friend, have them smile at you, have a good time, do a good job, sleep and rest well. Give value to the things you have. Think that not everyone can count on things as basic as smell, see, hear, etc. Many times we focus more on what we don’t have than on what we do have. In this way we will be able to get closer to happiness.

6. If you want to be happy, try to ensure that what you think, feel, say and do are in line and go along the same lines. There is nothing more positive and that helps us get closer to happiness than when these 4 concepts are in harmony. For example, I think that I like to dance Sevillanas, I feel good when I do it, so I should not be ashamed, I openly say it to my acquaintances, and finally I look for the moments or the occasions to dance Sevillanas.

7. Face problems and solve them. Avoiding them will only help you feel good (maybe) only in that moment, but in the long run, avoided problems are unresolved problems that do not help us to be happy. Sometimes it is necessary to sit at a table and think, even write down the thoughts, ideas and possible solutions, the pros and cons, etc., to begin to face them. Test it.

8. Do not compare yourself with others and of course do not take other people’s comments to heart. If someone judges your way, as a great expression said, lend them your shoes. Look among your acquaintances and you will see that those who take with “philosophy” and tranquility what others tell them are much happier and more cheerful than those who take criticism and comments too seriously.

9. Take care. Many times when we are unhappy, we sleep worse, eat less and even neglect our physical appearance. Beware. Good sleep has been shown to bring well-being. It is proven that physical exercise, no matter how little it is done, brings well-being. It is proven that people who follow a healthy and varied diet have greater well-being. Are you taking care of yourself enough?

10. Last but not least: smile. And if you can, laugh. Laughter activates many muscles and helps to release substances in the body, which provide us with well-being and happiness. Laughter infects others and it infects yourself, if you practice smiling and laughing, your brain assimilates it wonderfully and gets used to it because it is good for it.

Very well. As I have told you, you will have to do the exercises for at least a few days. At the beginning is when it will cost you the most, but if you propose it and are constant, your brain will assimilate them very well and soon it will begin to do them unconsciously.

After a few days you can take the test again and measure your progress. Most people can improve their happiness level on their own. Will you be one of them? Hopefully yes! If you feel bad and have not managed to progress after a reasonable time, I recommend that you consider putting yourself in the hands of a specialist; A professional can always help you and work to improve your quality of life.

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