The Power Of Attraction Comes From Self-confidence

The power of attraction is born from self-confidence

Mental attraction is often much stronger than physical attraction . Thanks to it, an impact is created that we cannot escape even by closing our eyes. However, to create this effect we must first work on adequate self-confidence. Because nothing has more power of attraction than the feeling of worthiness.

When talking about this dimension, we should not think exclusively in the field of seduction, in those captivating arts where we fine-tune wise strategies to conquer a possible emotional partner.

People often need to put our attraction skills into practice for many different purposes : getting a job, attracting new clients, pleasing those around us, creating an impact on a group of specific people …

We speak of course, of social success. But there is an essential aspect that underpins the interesting dimension of the power of attraction and that we often misunderstand. To make a positive, captivating or attractive impression on whoever is in front of us, we must always remain true to ourselves.

Because falsehood does not hold up, it has grimaces, false sides and little spontaneous Manichaeisms. The famous phrase “always be yourself” is not a simple cliché.

That phrase is a reality, because under authenticity many more roots extend that nurture and shape it : self-confidence, adequate personal growth, the assurance that we deserve what we want and a touch of magic ease that is acquired little by little. little with experience.

We suggest you delve into the interesting dimensions that backbone the power of attraction.

Couple dancing

The two curious laws of the power of attraction

Erin Whitchurch is a behavioral science researcher at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. According to his work in the field of human attraction, two types of laws can be distinguished that will be very interesting to us and that would explain, in a way, many of those sensations that we have all had.


One of the most powerful forces in the realm of attraction is the principle of reciprocity. We are attracted to those people who take us into account and who, spontaneously, do things for us.

They are personalities with great emotional openness, who transmit confidence and who, in turn, put into practice that authentic reciprocity where they accept to receive but above all prioritize offering.

Couple looking at each other with attraction


On the other hand, the uncertainty principle is also discussed. This law starts from physics, however, it also applies to the behavioral field because it defines something as curious as it is evident. We are talking about that almost magnetic influence that many people exert without us knowing very well why .

They master the arts of persuasion, mystery, and full self-confidence. They capture our attention because we do not know very well what to expect and that uncertainty becomes a challenge for our brain.


We can describe self-confidence as that authentic, full and respectful way of relating to ourselves. Doing it in the right way will give rise to a positive feeling towards our own person in order to achieve this vital impulse and that force with which to “ignite” our capacity for attraction.


Visualize for a moment a barren land, bare of flowers, without trees. There is no life, there is no beauty, only loneliness. To achieve good self-esteem we need to sow many seeds in this arid terrain. All these plants will flourish and over time they will make you a much more beautiful and attractive person, because you will transmit temperance, security, charm …

However, what really makes you strong are the roots that are underground, those that give you strength and that remind you every day that you deserve what you are looking for, and that you can achieve what you want if you set your mind to it. That is where self-confidence is found, something that nobody sees but that you achieve over time.

To achieve this, reflect for a few moments on the following dimensions:

  • Learn to depend on yourself, be your own self-esteem dispenser. You don’t need anyone to tell you what you are worth or what you deserve.
  • Be tolerant of your mistakes and never underestimate your achievements.
  • Dare to go out a little more than your comfort zone every day, make your fears daily challenges.
  • Be able to see others the same way you see yourself : with respect, with curiosity, with affection …
  • Never want to be something you are not: falsehood does not fit the power of attraction.

Last but not least, try to discover day by day what it is that makes you different from others, what makes you unique and special. That is where that singular detail is found that shapes the uncertainty principle that works so much in the power of attraction.

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