The Story Of The Lion And Its Reflection

The story of the lion and its reflection

A beautiful story, with a moral, that will leave you thinking about how you can face your problems and take the dreaded first step, necessary to end them.

Surely you have gone through a situation where a problem becomes the air you breathe, the food you eat, the clothes you wear… everything revolves around this inconvenience, it is present every hour in your thoughts and in your emotions.

Pay attention to the lion’s story :

Once upon a time there was a lion who lived in a desert. There the wind blew a lot and therefore the water in the ponds where all the animals usually drank never stood still. The powerful gusts ruffled the surface of the ponds and nothing was ever reflected in them.

One day the lion went into the forest, where he used to hunt and play in his free time, until he felt somewhat tired and thirsty. Searching for water, he came to a pool that contained the freshest, most tempting, and most gentle liquid that anyone could ever imagine.

So the lion walked over to the pool, stretched out his neck, and tried to take a long drink. Suddenly, he saw his own reflection and was frightened, thinking that it was another lion that was in front of him.

This water must belong to another lion, I’d better get out of here, very carefully,” thought the animal. He backed away, but then thirst drove him back to the pool. Again he saw the head of a fearsome lion with a long mane staring back at him from the surface of the water.

The lion in this story crouched, waiting for the right moment to drive away the “other lion.” As he was used to doing to mark territory or show that he was in a place, he opened his jaws and gave a terrible roar. But as soon as it bared its teeth, of course, the “other lion’s” mouth fell open as well; and to our lion this seemed a horrible and dangerous sight.

Over and over again the lion turned away, but then he took courage, went back to the pond and had the same experience. After a long time, however, he was so thirsty and desperate that he made up his mind: “With another lion or without another lion, I will drink the same from that pool!” As soon as the lion plunged his face into the water… the “other lion” disappeared! “

Anguish, anxiety and depression do not take long to appear when problems exist. There seems to be nothing you can do to reverse the situation and find a solution. You are paralyzed and do not know how to act. You certainly know this feeling.

It is true that sometimes it helps to get away from the problem a little, take a distance and ask for help, but it is also true that it is difficult to make that decision.

One of the keys to solving a problem is working on “taking the first step.” Then you will decide on the fly how everything continues. But if you don’t climb the first rung, you will never reach the top of the ladder. It is normal that, when you face a project and everything remains to be done, fears and insecurities multiply.

This being the case, it is necessary to create opportunities and not wait for the solution to fall from the sky. Especially, it is important to remove all the obstacles or psychological obstacles that do not allow you to move forward.

Think how many times the real problem is, precisely, not knowing how to deal with it. It is normal to feel fear, want to avoid the situation, wish with all the fervor in the world that things change or improve, etc. However, fear is a great barrier that only serves to make things worse.

It may sound very easy to write or read it, but not so easy to put it into practice. Maybe it’s time to become a little more lion and know the difference between trying and making up your mind. When you just try, it is easier to give up, when you doubt, it is more likely to fail. Instead, by doing something and seeing the changes, you will feel with the ability to move on and take a new step or climb another rung.

You decide what position to take. Are you ready to be “the king of the jungle”?

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