There Is No White Without Black, There Is No Light Without Darkness

There is no white without black, there is no light without darkness

There is no white without black, there is no happiness without sadness. When it comes to colors, our choice is based on taste, at least in part. However, when we talk about emotions, everything seems less variable. We reject those that cause us discomfort, we embrace those that produce us well-being. However, without one there would not be the other, at least not in the same way. Would you be able to value joy if you had never had the opportunity to experience sadness?

We tend to run away from bad situations and sometimes not even that. Sometimes we settle for suffering and being victims of circumstances that we believe are not in our power to change. A rather passive attitude that makes us move away from the responsibility of our own life. But, since you immerse yourself in all these negative experiences, why not appreciate its opposite?

There is no white without black

The reality of why we immerse ourselves in the negative without being able to open our eyes before the positive has its origin in the illusions and expectations of what we consider that makes us happy. We believe that a full life should be full of happiness, in which there is no lack of money, layoffs, illnesses, toxic relationships …

We run from all this just as we run from mistakes. When we cannot escape, we are saddened by it. You are not doing the right thing. Thanks to all this, you know how to appreciate the opposite. The beauty of balance, of everyday life, of abundance, of satisfying your needs.

boy with white wolf without black

Why do we despise the bad if it allows us to discern and even lead us to the good? If you had never been wrong, you would probably know less than half of what you do today. If they had never lied to you, you would not know how to appreciate the fact that they did not, because you would not know how tempting that option can sometimes be. Likewise, if no friend had disappointed you, you would not know today what true friendship is … and it is that a large part of our knowledge is born from antagonisms.

It is in our relationships where we suffer the most, where we notice the need to always be charged with positive emotions and never negative ones. All this because we make the mistakes already mentioned, although in this plane much more pronounced. In relationships, whether in friendship or as a couple, it is our expectations that largely determine the disappointments we experience.

Without realizing it, we sometimes seek our own darkness. How many times have you believed that having things would make you happy? Why, if you can’t have children, do you already feel condemned? When was the last time you felt like a victim when it was in your hands not to be? The answers – in the form of valuable lessons – to these questions are only given by the exciting exercise of living.

Everything that involves emotions marks us more. That is why we always have so many problems in our relationships. Sometimes we turn our needs over to others: emotional deficiencies, fears, the need for them to make us happy … However, there is nothing negative in all this. It is through pain and suffering that we learn. Only then can we grow as people. Because there is never white without black and this is good.

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