Turn Your Threats Into Opportunities

Turn your threats into opportunities

Let’s face it, if there’s one thing we can do with fearful ease, it’s stress ourselves out. Sometimes, it is enough to open our eyes to the new day so that all those dense clouds of pressures, fears and anxieties are placed – what crown of thorns – on our head, taking away our health, moving us away from balance, taking away happiness …

If you think about it, it’s funny how we’ve normalized the word “stress.” All work is already implicit as a trademark of this company. In fact, it  seems that every professional who wants to achieve success must accumulate good amounts of stress. Even more … what family does not end up stressed at the end of the day with so much coming and going, with so many problems and obligations to fulfill? It is as if the human species has reached another level in its evolution in which stress is an obligatory part of this new status.

Given all this, the first reflection that I propose to you is that stress is not our worst enemy, but it borrows its disguise when we manage it badly. Perhaps we are that species that stumbles over and over again with the same stone, but people are not martyrs: good work does not make you a slave to a stress that undermines your health and takes your life. A happy family does not have to experience that stress that makes us want to be alone to “disconnect” from so much pressure.

Think that the change towards happiness will always be possible if desire is strong. Starting to feel better can be easy if you learn to control, and above all to understand, that enemy that we name a lot, but we don’t know as much.

If you join us, we will give you some clues on how to achieve it.

Turn your threats into opportunities according to José Carlos Fuertes

José Carlos Fuertes Rocañín has a degree in medicine and surgery, a specialist in psychiatry and an advisor to the World Federation for Mental Health (Washington). One of his most recent and exciting books is undoubtedly “Learn to Stress: How to Turn a Threat into an Opportunity.” In line with this book, we asked you to take a course for our platform with which we could enjoy all the knowledge you have accumulated working with patients and documenting yourself.

Dr. Fuertes Rocañín has an exceptional ability: to make the field of mental health a simple and practical dimension from which we can all benefit. Through its pages it puts at our disposal the best strategies to help us take control, to be worthy architects of a happier life where stress stops putting sticks to our wheels, barbed wire to our vital paths.

The easiest way to ALWAYS live with stress

In our everyday language we have the classic idea that “wanting is power”. However, in the field of personality things are not so simple. We have all adopted a good collection of irrational automatisms, habits and attitudes that slow down and hinder any change.

José Carlos Fuertes proposes that we become aware – in an ironic way so that we get the message –  of those daily behaviors that many of us carry out every day and that undoubtedly help us to intensify the feeling of stress.

  • If you want to always live with stress, do not hesitate to please everyone.
  • Your stress loves that you are connected 24 hours a day to your social networks, to your electronic devices. That way, you will “enjoy” much more of the here and now.
  • Do not forget to leave for tomorrow what you can do today. It’s a great way to stay in control of your life!
  • If you want to stress out, don’t forget to suppress your emotions.
  • Nor do you dispense with sedentary lifestyle, that way you will eternally please your stress and “take care” of your health much better.
  • Think, think a lot and act little.
  • Do not forget to surround yourself with people who are the same or more stressed than you.

The best medicine to stop stressing: good self-esteem

Something that we are going to understand in the book by José Carlos Fuertes, in that fascinating journey through 12 chapters, is that stress is not your enemy. It is that emotion that puts us on alert about something, about an aspect that our brain labels as a threat.

Those who are capable of reacting to them creatively, with good self-esteem and maintaining control at all times, will be able to make their threats their opportunities.

  • It may seem curious to you, but it is important to know that people, unlike other species, increase our stress levels only with what we think. Our mind can act like a real time bomb, intensifying this disastrous cycle that puts our own lives at risk.
  • We cannot expect our life to change if we perpetuate the same thoughts, the same irrational attitudes. In this way, we encourage our brain to continue generating the same chemistry, the same reaction patterns, the same unhappiness.
  • People have to be able to create the reality we want, but for this, we must start with ourselves, strengthening our self-esteem and becoming aware of the way in which we interpret and evaluate the events that occur around us.
beam of light in the eyes

In the manual  “Learn to stress, how to turn a threat into an opportunity” , we will also manage to manage all those sources where stress tends to be generated to a greater degree : couple relationships, our work and many of those links with certain toxic people with whom that, for one reason or another, we have to relate.

This book is undoubtedly a great tool, but as Dr. Fuertes Rocañín himself says, it will be of no use if it is limited to being just a manual, one more book. We will be the ones who after finishing it, we will have in our hands the opportunity to transform ourselves or to continue tripping over the same stone.

It is not a simple task. Promoting change to stop stressing ourselves requires tenacity and daily work. In you is to get it, in you is the true responsibility.

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