Value Those Who Dedicate Their Time To You, Because They Will Never Get It Back

Value those who dedicate their time to you, because they will never get it back

We have a bad habit of not valuing the time that others dedicate to us. A conversation, a hug, a smile, how you are feeling, a “ I do it because I know you would like it ” or simply a gesture of accompaniment. There are thousands of daily acts of the people around us that we do not value.

It is not necessary that the seconds, hours or minutes come from our family, friends or partner. The time of strangers also becomes important when, for example, thanks to them, the day can begin with a smile because their good morning was full of joy or they give us that push we needed. The greatness of people is in those small details, but with great effects and affections.

The great value of time

“It is said that a traveler crossing the desert saw a pensive Arab sitting at the foot of a palm tree, next to his loaded camels. The traveler assumed that he was a merchant of valuables and that he was going to sell his jewelry, perfumes and tapestries to a neighboring city.

Since he had not spoken to someone for too long, he approached the merchant thoughtfully and said:

-Good friend, cheers! you seem very worried. I can help you with something?

-Oh! -answered the merchant – I am very distressed because I have just lost the most valuable jewel of all …

-Well, the loss of a jewel is surely not a big deal for you. You carry a large quantity of them on your camels and it will surely not cost you to replace it.

-Replace it? -exclaimed the merchant- If it were that simple! You don’t know the value of my loss …

-What is the jewel you have lost? Asked the traveler.

-A jewel like no other, which will never be made again. It was carved in a piece of stone of life and made in the workshop of time. Its ornaments were twenty-four brilliant pieces, grouped around sixty smaller ones… It is impossible that another jewel with similar characteristics could be reproduced.

“It must have been beautiful, yes,” said the traveler. “But with a lot of money, couldn’t you make another one like it?”

The lost jewel was one day … And one day that is lost, it is not found again …

After this story, what is a day for you? What does your time mean? One minute is enough to leave an indelible mark on the heart of another person, choose what you want to do or enjoy what happens. The important thing is to be aware of the present moment and take advantage of it with the people you want and in the way you like, knowing how to also value the dedication towards you of others.

While money can be recovered even if lost, time lost does not return. Do not waste or waste time regretting that you did not know how to take advantage of it at the time. From now on, take advantage of it and value it as one of the most precious assets that exists.

Time is not demanded, it is chosen

There are those who are not able to perceive the effort of other people to make their routine more bearable, to give color to their gray days or to want to enjoy their company. There are people who see as an obligation what in reality is a choice on the part of others. There are those for whom the time of others goes unnoticed, who values ​​it as if it were a treasure and who demands it from the other, as if it were their own.

Each of us is free to whom and how to dedicate our time. Let’s not forget that minutes, hours and seconds are fragments of our life and no one has the power to freely decide on them.

Heart shaped soap bubbles

Taking time translates into I care about you, I love you, I support you, I adore your company and that has no price or a material equivalent. Because definitely dedicating time is dedicating life.

Therefore, we must not demand part of their time from others, nor do we have to beg for it from those who only think of themselves. Time is not bought, traded, or sold. Spending time with the other is a choice that springs from the inside and allows us to connect emotionally with others.

Time is the greatest gift there is

Value whoever writes to you, who speaks to you, listens to you, does you a favor, accompanies you or remembers you because he loves it, because he likes it, because he feels it.  People who give you their time understand that it is the greatest thing they can give you since knowing how to offer it is speaking the language of the heart. Thank him because time also offers the possibility of forging memories that will awaken feelings of joy, nostalgia and appreciation later on.

Couple hugging

If you translate the moments that others spend with you into affective language, you will understand that there are more I love you and I care about you than you expected. Therefore, value every second with enthusiasm that others dedicate to you, because to a large extent they are offering you the greatest gift that exists: part of their life.

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