We All Need Someone To Take Care Of Us

We all need someone to take care of us

We all need someone to take care of us and that does not mean that we depend on the other to feel good. It is simply good to realize and recognize that when we cannot cope, when we have hit rock bottom or when everything is going too well for us, we need someone to remind us who we are or can become.

They are those people who remind us that we are more than our circumstances, that mistakes that sometimes happen. They act as Guardian Angels and give us wings to soar over the rubble of part of our collapsed world. They can also become the voice of our conscience, our Jiminy Cricket, if we start to fly too high and get burned with the sun of our own success. They are our pillar, our balance, the ying of our yang.

Children hugging

The meaning of that special someone in bad times

It is usually quite easy to find someone to have a good time. Going out for drinks, shopping, going to the movies or having a coffee is never a sacrifice. But true friends are those who show their faces at times when perhaps you are not the most pleasant of company.

Those moments when you shed tears and curse the world. Those afternoons when nothing you do, say or hear is going to make you feel better. But they are those moments in which you value their closeness, that friendly hand that picks you up in pieces and carefully weaves them together without you hardly noticing.

They are those eternal conversations full of complaints that you know are not going anywhere but that you need to come out of yourself. They are those laughs because of how absurd everything is and because of the fear that you feel that nothing could be worse. And you may not realize it, but it is that desire to stop the world that continues to turn without your agreement, but that you manage to stop in those hours with the criticism, the crying and the laughter of good company.

That good company that can only be summed up in the words TRUE FRIENDSHIP. The one that can and everything changes. So hard to come by and so necessary. Real friends are few, but in bad times they always accompany you.

Paper heart in hand representing love

The value of the truths of that someone in the face of too good moments

Perhaps the least recognized value of friendship is that which appears when everything is going too well. When the envy of those who do not really love you appears and when the pride of success calls you. Those moments when you think you are invincible and success, even momentary, goes to your head and you lose yourself.

It is in those moments in which that someone, that true friendship, is in charge of revealing the harsh reality to you. It is when it cuts your wings of pride and makes you step on the ground. Because true friends are those who tell you the truths to your face, even if they hurt, because they know that at that moment you may not appreciate it, but it is what you need.

They know that no matter how much initial rejection your words provoke, you will not forget the real concern behind them: your well-being . Because they do not do it to hurt you, but quite the opposite, to avoid the pain of falling when you have rushed or to add energy and finally dare to take the leap.

That is why we all always need someone to take care of us. Because we are our greatest enemy when things go too good or too bad. Because we need someone to stop the imbalance before finally reaching self-destruction. Because nobody is perfect and in solitude the projection of our defects is gigantic… and  because the life shared with someone special is a life that deserves to be lived. From the beginning to the end.

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