What Are The Environmental Values ​​

For more artificial means that we build, nature continues to be the medium that contains them. We are talking about a set of forces and dynamics that can destroy us as a species if we do not take care of it. In this sense, environmental values ​​constitute a guide to do so in a sensible and intelligent way.

Educating children and adults in environmental values ​​has practically become an obligation in many countries. In Spain, for example, it has been regulated by law and has become a transversal axis of the curriculum.

But what are these values ​​and why are they so necessary? Although it cannot be considered as a fully accredited area of ​​knowledge, we can affirm that its axes are strongly related to the concepts of respect for nature and the environment.

Environmental values

Environmental value could be defined as a process of learning values ​​for awareness of respect for the environment. In addition, awareness can be added to the protection of the natural environment.

Today, education in environmental or environmental values ​​focuses on the contribution of tools capable of emphasizing new ways of relating to the environment. In this way, social actors are relocated and human beings are made aware of the importance of respect and love for nature, both in the closest environments and on a global scale.

Another aspect that is taken care of in the study and learning of environmental value is the need to raise awareness. Human beings have to accept that their participation in any event affects on a global scale, so we should understand respect for the environment as respect for the world, for planet Earth as a whole.

It is important that human beings understand aspects such as maintenance and conservation. But, today, almost more important is the term protection. Given the level of deterioration that the planet reaches according to experts, it is essential to implement common actions, from the simplest to the most complex, to protect the environment and the world as a whole.

Environmental values

All human action is associated with what is called collateral contamination. Hence, activities such as the culture of recycling, sensible and reasonable consumption or the circular economy are essential to make the most of the planet’s resources.

To involve all human actors in the need to protect the planet, environmental values ​​are born, reflected in the White Paper on Environmental Education. Let’s see what they are.

Environmental love

This feeling of affection helps us protect and preserve the place we live in. If we show love and respect for the environment, we can harmonize our life in nature taking care of what is valuable to us and ours.

Environmental awareness

The knowledge that the human being has of his actions and of himself helps him to become aware of the respect that he must have for everything around him. In this way, actions that have a positive impact on the natural environment can be implemented to improve the quality of life.

Environmental Conservation

In this case we refer to the action of conserving something over time. This value helps to protect and take care of the good state of the environment, guaranteeing its survival for future generations.

Environmental sensitivity

It is the ability to be carried away by compassion. This feeling allows us to take special care with the environment, a fact that awakens our instincts for conservation, for which we need a clean and healthy environment.

Environmental coexistence

We understand coexistence as the act or action of a group of people living together in harmony with their environment, including living beings. Undoubtedly, something fundamental to learn to respect the natural space, together with the processes and dynamics that govern it.

Environmental respect

It is understood as the feeling that sets limits, indicating the lines of respect for nature that cannot be exceeded to avoid greater evils. That is, it implies understanding and consideration of the environment.

Environmental responsibility

It is understood as the obligation to respond to acts, both own and others. Thus, each one, as an individual and as part of a social environment, must assume and account for their actions before nature.

Without a doubt, it is urgent to internalize environmental values, if only out of pure selfish interest. Respecting, caring for and sustaining the natural ecosystems of this planet is everyone’s responsibility, both individually and socially. It is the future of life on Earth – and ours – that is at stake.

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