What Can I Learn In Victory And Defeat?

Every experience is an opportunity to learn. Regardless of whether it is positive or negative for our interests, it constitutes a contact with reality capable of generating knowledge.
What can I learn in victory and defeat?

Sometimes the path that has led you to success or failure is more important than the result itself. They are the challenges and what you have had to grow to overcome them. Keep asking yourself every time you stumble, what can I learn from this? it’s the only way to keep moving towards your goal.

Soichiro Honda came to Toyota for a job interview. The profile of the young man did not like the company too much and they decided that Soichiro was not the right candidate for the job. Years later, he decided to create a company that would compete with Toyota, to which he gave his own last name Honda.

Did you know that Stephen King’s first novel was rejected by the majority of publishers he attended? When he got home, after receiving one of these refusals, he threw his novel in the trash. His wife picked it up and encouraged him to keep trying. Far from being a failure, perseverance later led to success.

Another story tells us about a neurological disease and Teresa Perales. The fact of having to go in a wheelchair was not an obstacle that he could not overcome to do what he liked the most, swimming. Today his successes reflect the work and the path behind it.

There are many stories that encourage us to keep fighting, to keep working, to discover what is behind each defeat or each failure, because only in this way can we discover what we can learn and advance without giving up.

Person walking

What pillars help me to follow?

We talk about the main sources of energy in the face of adversity:

  • Willpower. It is not magic, it does not require money, it does not need electricity, but it is still our greatest treasure, willpower. The engine that drives us to continue forward and only requires us to recharge it and keep it always ready.
  • Company. Surrounding ourselves with people who encourage us, who push us when we run out of strength or who push us to move forward. People who support us when we fall or lend us their resources as a handle when we are climbing.
  • Remember the achievements. Each achievement has many steps behind it, many tricks that have led us to achieve the goal. By identifying the key points, what cost us, what else we could have done better, we will also learn.
  • Nurture ourselves from failures. Each failure points to changes. That which still requires more work, intelligence or different fortune.
  • Mind focused on the goal. If I wanted to travel to a specific place, it would not occur to me to enter other directions in the GPS, I would simply focus on the place where I want to go. With the mind it is the same, if you can focus on what you want, you cannot deviate with dysfunctional thoughts, with possible obstacles, with fears and anxieties, you may find them on the way, but the mind must remain focused on the goal.
Woman thinking what she does not want to forget while looking at flower

Learn, what we have left

Visualize your future, visualize the place where you want to be. How you feel? Do you like where you have arrived? Do you think that in a few years you will remember the moment you are in and you will regret not having continued trying? These questions may help you in your search.

What can I learn from this? In every fall there is a message, in every obstacle there is a challenge. It may be that in the short term it will be more difficult to see it, that we only have the negativity of failed attempts. But, perched on the horizon, what we tried could be the starting point for what we achieve or will achieve.

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