What Does It Mean To Dream Of Cats?

The cat symbolizes money, fantasy, betrayal and irrationality in the dream world.
What does it mean to dream of cats?

It is very common to dream of animals, as it is, more specifically, to dream of cats. In the dream world the cat represents different things: fantasy and irrationality, but also independence, money and seduction.

Have you ever had a dream like this? In this article we talk about the meanings attributed to the different dreams with cats based on their characteristics and the actions we do in the dream.

What does it mean to dream of cats?

Dreaming of cats, in the dream world, represents fantasy, and sometimes even an excess of irrationality. On the other hand, dreaming that we simply see a cat is related to betrayals. In addition, dreaming of this animal can also have other meanings: seduction, money and independence.

If the cat we dream of is also black (closely related to superstitions), this may mean that we have to watch out with the evil of some people, present in our life and of whom perhaps we are not aware.

It is a dream that also symbolizes the unknown, those areas of our life that we have not ventured to explore. It may be a sign that you should put your fear and insecurities behind you and start making decisions. But there are more types of dreams related to cats; depending on the type of cat, what the cat (or us) does in the dream, etc., with different meanings as well.

Sleeping woman dreaming of cats

According to the type of cat

Let’s see what it means to dream of cats according to them; that is, depending on its color, size, nature …

White cat

If the cat instead of black (or another color) is white, you should bear in mind that the white color symbolizes authenticity, purity and inner peace. Thus, it could be a sign that you have to start looking for that tranquility in your life.

Gray cat

Dreaming of gray cats can mean that we are in a moment close to the stability we long for. Gray is a color that also indicates responsibility; It can reflect our commitment at work, for example, or in other areas of our life.

Giant cats

When we dream of very large things – or, in this case, animals -, this can symbolize an excess of “something” in our life. Perhaps it is time to put those excesses aside and apply the middle ground, seeking balance.

Dead cats

If we dream of dead cats, we must reflect on the symbolism of the cat but also of death, in the dream world. Death symbolizes the hidden world, the darkness that precedes the spiritual rebirth of people.

The cat often symbolizes independence and economy; Therefore, if the cats are dead in the dream, this can be related to a bad economic moment or level of independence.

Small cats

Dreaming of small cats can fill us with joy. Its meaning is related to this emotion; we may need a little spark in our life, or even affection (and not necessarily from a person).

This dream can arise when we are in a bad time, or when we have distanced ourselves from our loved ones and we long for their affection. It is a dream that can encourage you to reflect on the people around you.

Domestic cat

Dreaming of domestic cats symbolizes independence and autonomy in our life.


Dreaming of rabid cats symbolizes a stormy relationship in our life that is tormenting us.


If the cat that appears in our dreams is wild, it means that our independence often turns into aggressiveness.

According to the actions in the dream

On the other hand, depending on the actions that we develop throughout the dream with the cat (or him with us), the meaning of it also varies. We have selected three frequent dreams:

Pet a cat

It symbolizes that the person we love does not deserve our love. It also has another associated meaning; the fact of receiving, soon, a significant amount of money.

If, in addition, the cat purrs while we caress it, it may be the replica of a reciprocated love.

Cat on the legs of a person

Capture a cat

Dreaming that we capture a cat can be a warning to be careful with our impulses. If you also fight against it, it is also a warning message; they can rob us.

Kill him

Dreaming that we kill a cat is being able to tell us that we will break up with a dangerous relationship.

Being bitten by a cat

To dream that a cat bites us symbolizes the infatuation that we do not want, but that will come.

Dreams and their meaning

Dreams are peculiar dream experiences that all mammals experience. These arise especially during the REM phase of sleep, when our brain is especially active. And this phase repeats itself every 90 minutes, assuming about 25% of the time we sleep.

Therefore, if we wake up in this phase, it will be easier for us to remember the content of dreams. In general, dreams are not “in vain”; Sometimes, it is not so much that they are dreams that anticipate something (premonitory dreams), but that they are related to our life, our aspirations, our identity, etc.

Therefore, the best way to interpret a dream is by identifying what we have felt in it and how we can link it with certain aspects of our reality. Remember that, whether you dream of cats or other animals, it is likely that the dream is related to some situation in your life or to your memories. In the end, our mind works with materials that are familiar to it.

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