What Will You Regret In The Future?

Sometimes we live so focused on daily obligations that we forget to enjoy ourselves. If you don’t want to regret it in the future, change your perspective.
What will you regret in the future?

Usually most of us live from day to day. We try to meet our immediate needs and do not reflect excessively on the direction of our life. However , have you ever wondered what you will regret in the future? Do you think you are experiencing the life you want? .

Some research has been carried out in order to clarify what are the issues that people regret in old age. The results have yielded interesting information, which can help us rethink our priorities.

What will you regret in the future?


Many times we are forced to work on something that is not our true calling. Financial need can cause us to accept a job that does not fill us and even makes us unhappy. This is one of the biggest areas that people often regret, looking at it with the perspective of age.

It is not always possible to dedicate ourselves to what we are passionate about, however, we have to try. Not giving up before you have tried will lessen that possible future regret. Additionally we can try to integrate our passion in our life even if it is not our formal job.

The really important thing is to spend our time (at least part of it) in those activities that enrich and attract us naturally. Developing our talents will make us live a much fuller life.


Many people often feel self-conscious about expressing and sharing their emotions. At the present moment we are only trying to avoid the discomfort of exposing them, but we are not aware of the long-term repercussions. It is likely that in the future we will regret not having been clear, firm or sincere.

We may regret that we did not put limits on certain people who hurt us, or that we did not express our love to those we loved. What we do not let out becomes knots in the throat, weights in the heart.

Therefore, let’s connect with our emotional side and let it guide us. Let’s try to work on our assertiveness and our emotional management. Let’s get used to feeling and expressing. Let’s stop repressing emotions and allow ourselves to feel fully.

Personal life

Sometimes the routine and daily obligations consume all our physical and mental energy. Focused on fulfilling our daily obligations, we do not leave time for leisure and taking care of our social relationships. It is important to find a balance if we do not want to feel, in the future, that we are not really taking advantage of our life.

At the end of our days, what we treasure are the memories, the shared moments and the experiences that made us enjoy the moment. Let’s make room for those time slots that are not so economically productive but are extremely valuable on a personal level.


An investigation was carried out, the results of which were very revealing. According to it, people often regret having prioritized duty over desire. In our daily lives we are more concerned with fulfilling our duties and responsibilities, but once we have reached a certain age we regret not having taken care of our genuine desires and aspirations instead.

Let’s stop being guided by what society tells us to be. Let’s forget what is expected of us and begin to ask ourselves what we expect ourselves. 

You will regret in the future not daring to live

If we look closely, we will see that what people really regret is not what they did, but what they never dared to do. We regret having been limited by fear, shame, or guilt. For having been left with the doubt that it would have happened if we had said yes.

We focus on avoiding immediate suffering or discomfort, give up opportunities, and become self-conscious about the immediate consequences. However, when making decisions, it is necessary to broaden our sights and try to listen to our inner voice. The one who knows no doubts.

Sometimes it is preferable to jump in, try and overcome uncertainty. Let’s stop being afraid of failure, let’s accept error as an intrinsic part of life and decide to learn from each experience. Sometimes it is riskier not to risk it. Live today, so you don’t have to regret tomorrow.

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