What Would You Say To Your Self From 10 Years Ago If You Met Him

What would you say to your self from 10 years ago if you met him

Only you know everything you have experienced, no one else. Sometimes ideas seem to get tangled in the head, eager for explanations, for meaning about everything that your “past self” lived through. But no matter how hard you try to give them, you can’t find them, or the ones you manage to define throw up explanations that make you feel even sadder.

Each of us would have liked not to waste time with things that did not deserve it and to do others that would have brought us much more security and enjoyment. Much younger, more naive, perhaps wasting some of the best years of our lives.

Our β€œI”, somewhat wiser and also less naive, would tell us that those are years to live and not waste them on activities, people or places that in the long term report no benefit, an absolute waste of our valuable time.

What would you say to your “me” from 10 years ago?

Grandmother and granddaughter representing the past and present self

“If I had known this 10 years ago”, “How much time I wasted in crying for something that was not worth it”, “How many things I did not live out of fear and that today I miss”. “I need memories of my past taken away by fear, laziness, sadness, insecurity.” I am missing pieces of the past.

It would be convenient to specify something else, to refine the episodic and semantic memory and to try that those memories of your “I” are reconstructed. No longer to dream how they could have been, but to know if you still have time to live them. If I had that opportunity, I would say to that me:

Turn off the TV

Press the OFF button with force and a lot of decision. Let it stay like this for as long as possible, you are not going to learn anything from that “silly box.” Keep that button tight, because you have to save your energy for real experiences or to search for them.

Buy a good computer and hire an internet connection, it is a good investment in the short, medium and long term if you know how to use it. Use social media as a form of communication, but don’t expose too much of yourself on it. Don’t be emotionally apprehended.

move on

Play sports, walk in nature.  I know you were very busy, my “me” has always been very busy but looking back, believe me, there is always time to contact nature, alone or in company. They are the kindest memories, those of nature and animals.

gif birds


You can doubt some aspects that concern you, but never forget what you want or where you want to see yourself in a few years. Do everything in your power to make it possible, fears take dreams away or delay them too much.

Spend wisely

Manage your money on things that make you feel good, but are also useful to you. What you have spent on vices you could have redeemed at times. Work on what you can and gain perspective and experience, but without going too far off the path that inertia marks your values.

Don’t make investments that you are not sure you can afford. Save what you can and expose nothing more than what you can afford to lose.

Take the losses

Don’t fight for someone who doesn’t show they want you to.  Do not force situations, do not worry, do not get depressed if you did not get someone to give you what you were looking for. Life takes many turns. If someone changes, think carefully if he deserves that second chance based on everything he has experienced.

You are going to lose friends along the way, not because they hurt you, which too, but because you are going to change, and others too. Breaking the routine brings new people, more in line with how you live and feel at that time. Don’t make drama out of it. Try to maintain at least a cordial relationship because open unresolved wars bring bitter moments.

Want and love yourself


Woman hugging her old self

Love yours and show it to them, even if you are tired, even if you don’t have time. Your family, friends and colleagues are going to need you.

Sometimes they will ask you for it and other times they will just make you see it. A friend who is there when she is needed is a friend who is always remembered. A daughter who knows how to return to take care of her mother fills her soul with the greatest things in life. Try to be present at the births of the new part of your family.

Give more hugs, be more sincere but less combative.  Do you know why many people become more loving over time? Because one day he feels chills of accumulated loneliness and learns that maintaining a distant attitude towards others has only caused distance, not respect.

Love yourself and take care of yourself. Take care of yourself, pamper yourself, try to feel better physically, but do not forget that nothing dresses better and enhances your features more than security and calm. Change only to feel more comfortable in your skin, never to please others.

What else would I say to my “I”?

  • Don’t worry so much about everything. You will realize the problems that have a solution and those that do not and you will know how to solve them. Most of the catastrophes of fearful minds only pass through their imagination.
  • Do not hesitate to want what you want. Many people will question your decisions or your way of life, but never regret or give too much thought to having done something that you really wanted to do.
  • Read and write. There is no feeling comparable to reading something we wrote years ago, an emotional photograph of how we were at a time in our lives.
  • Stop being afraid and enjoy what you do more. Travel, do crazy things from time to time and surround yourself with people who are in the same boat, even if they are very different from you in appearance but not in values.

There is nothing you cannot overcome, no matter how strong it is. Your β€œme” tells you 10 years older, who is still standing and breathing despite everything.

Of course, establish priorities, organize your time well and respect time off and work, which do not interfere with matters that are perfectly postponed. The fruits of your future demand a lot of concentration on your present.

The past that smells of the future

Woman walking down a track looking to the future

Nothing of the past can be changed, it is gone. On the other hand, think that the past is something you must forget but must learn from. It is in your head, in your spontaneous tears and in the path you chose, leaving aside other options.

Experiential exercises like this show us that we have learned much more than we think and that we are willing not to make these same mistakes again, at least to try.

Our “I” of the future will then bring us new dreams and “tips” to carry them out. Those that you had pending from the past, do you think they can no longer be carried out? Do not forget that the advice to your “past self” is the wishes of your “present self”.

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