Where Do Extroverts Have An Advantage?

Where do extroverts have an advantage?

It is estimated that one third of the people in the world are extroverts. And that has its benefits! Among the most socially valued personalities, extraversion tops the rankings of favorites. It is expected that we can all be uninhibited, courageous and with the ability to form bonds with whoever we want.

And what role do introverts have in this movie? What to do if you are part of 25% of the population? A controversial debate: “Being yourself Vs Being the center of attention.” Which one are you? If you are an extrovert, in this article we are going to tell you how you can get the best out of this way of approaching life. And if you are not, too.

What are extroverts like?

The person with this personality trait is sociable, carefree, active, assertive, adventurous, and dominant. He is interested in the outside world and what surrounds him and always seeks to experience all kinds of sensations. Some extroverts are impulsive and cannot control their actions or thoughts, others are more organized and thoughtful.

positive friendship

Leadership and extroversion go hand in hand, as does the ability to tell the truth bluntly and to express what is going on without “mincing the tongue.” Extroverts do not pay much attention to punishments but they do seek better rewards and enjoy them with others.

One of the hypotheses that has received the most support to explain the difference between extroverts and introverts has to do with the amount of activation they need to feel good. Extraverts would need a greater amount of arousal, hence they constantly seek social interaction.

Are extroverts happier?

Being the life of the party and having hundreds of friends seems to be the secret to a fulfilling life. Outgoing people have the ability to open up to others, speak smoothly, let go of fear, and expose themselves to all kinds of situations. They are recognized for being social, interested in what is going on around them, and can make friends wherever they are.

But being outgoing goes beyond conversation or public speaking skills. It is also to enjoy the predisposition to have a greater amount of hormones related to happiness, such as norepinephrine, which improves our mood.

Woman smelling a flower having memories

And this does not end here: extroverts enjoy their day to day more, are more loyal to a positive attitude in the face of adversity, adapt to problems or obstacles and have greater self-confidence. Therefore, they can interact with others of the same condition and have a great time.

In the professional field, those with this personality are usually hired as they seek solutions, can make a presentation in front of the board of directors or represent the company anywhere in the world.

Where do extroverts succeed?

Outgoing people are great for group work. If we see how jobs have evolved, we will realize that they are increasingly specialized and that to create a final product, a good number of people who are very good at doing certain parts of the process are needed.

If the people responsible for these groups are open and communicative by natural inclination, with their attitude they will be an excellent link between each of the team members. Thus, in addition to being good coordinators, extroverts are usually great motivators.

They are the last ones that tend to fall into discouragement and those that, at the same time, due to their ease of socialization, are the ones that usually have more human resources to get out of a certain mess. On the contrary, they often complain that, despite being easy to establish relationships, it is difficult for them to deepen them.

In addition, due to their great practice with communication resources, they are usually good at presenting arguments. In this sense, their lack of withdrawal and their tendency to say what they think, without going through millions of filters, usually make them the best by contributing ideas to creative techniques, such as brainstorming.

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