Whoever Wants Me To Find Me

Whoever wants me to look for me

We should not walk behind someone who sees us coming and dodges us. We should not go behind when they already know where we are, they know our intention to walk along their path and they do not make way for us. No. We have to give ourselves a chance and bear in mind the following sentence: whoever wants me to look for me .

The affection is not begged and the lack of interest ends with it. It is time to start minutes from the clock and leaves from the calendar. It is time to resurface, to love ourselves and to work on our dignity. So, whoever wants me to find me. Affection does not speak the same language as selfishness and indifference. No, affection is sincere, neutral, cordial, reciprocal; You only know of interest when you seek the common benefit, when you try to water your tree and grow.

Girl looking out to sea

What “crawling” means for our self-esteem and our emotional well-being

“Crawling” and begging for crumbs of care and affection leaves a permanent mark on our self-esteem and emotional well-being. Being ignored makes us feel small, insignificant and vulnerable. Added to this is impotence, frustration and anger at not achieving the type of relationship we would like to have with that person who ignores our presence and belittles our interest.

Our self-concept is totally undermined when this happens. Feeling this way causes, in part, that we become incapable of maintaining a correct attitude towards ourselves.

Restoring what time and the indifferent attitudes of others have diminished is not an easy task. Putting our pieces back together requires pride, courage and a certain “healthy selfishness” that is nothing more than starting to take care of ourselves above all else.

Woman letting birds free in their cage

Don’t look, let them find you

Start looking for you and allow yourself to be found. Running after people who ignore you is poisoning you. Whoever loves you will look for you and whoever does not simply is not a person who should be by your side.

Do you know that about starting to fly? Well, it’s time to put it into practice, spread your wings and take flight again. So take back the reins of your life and surround yourself with people who do not enjoy your supplications, who do not drown you and who do not feed on selfishness.

We must know that the pretensions of the selfish heart come to mark our path. Therefore we must try to get rid as soon as possible of those stones that have gotten into our shoes.

young man reaching for heart

Therefore, to restore both our self-esteem and the self-perception of our worth and individuality, we must emphasize that nothing can be possible if we do not take care of ourselves and we do not give ourselves the opportunity that what others do does not govern our life.

The normal thing is that once we break these vicious circles, it is difficult for us to stop missing or longing for something we never had but always wanted. It is likely that, in fact, we mishandle our own roulette and we do not get in tune with what really makes us happy.

But letting go of what does not benefit us always brings new and good winds into our life. Little by little we will rediscover that idea that we only need ourselves to live, that we are the most essential people in our lives and that we deserve to surround ourselves with those who appreciate our company.

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